I know Emanuele as a very diligent and highly knowledgable geospatial data specialist, who is bringing a wealth of experience to the table and is very easy and approachable to work with. His team skills are excellent and in combination with such technical excellence, definitely hard to find. I can highly recommend Emanuele!
I had the great pleasure to meet Emanuele during our time at Erdas, Hexagon Geospatial. Emanuele is a great colleague to work with: trustworthy, knowledgeable and with great communication skills. Brilliant in front of clients and public engagements, Emanuele combines a superior product knowledge with the great capacity of sharing and disseminating complex technical concepts. His advancements in the field of UAV are simply a natural progression to the strong photogrammetry and geospatial background built through a solid career in remote sensing consultancy and technological applications. Highly recommended professional and colleague!
Customer support and customer experience is the most critical part of high technology business success. Emanuele was a top software test, documentation and QA engineer as we were introducing the new airborne lidar sensor at Leica Geosystems. He has always impressed me with his technical knowledge and ability to effectively communicate with (in different languages!) and train our user base. Emanuele consistently guided our customers on how best to use our solutions for profitable daily production.
Um monstro da Fotogrametria. Grande pessoa e alguém que pode lhe guiar a soluções incríveis na aplicação de nuvem de pontos e processamento de imagens. Altamente recomendável pela sua capacidade sem esquecer de mencionar que é uma pessoa incrível.
Emanuele is a renowned professional that has a complete understanding of geospatial content and technologies. He has a celebrated domain of the geoprocessing chain: from data collection to processing up to the full geographic intelligence delivery. He is a consummate geospatial professional, teamwork and leader, with vast international experience, bringing, to the project he works, completeness of what is the best for the project excellence. Emanuele has a comprehensive and visionary knowledge base of the geospatial world, merging business-driven qualifications, customer needs, and also extensive experience in multiple verticals within the mapping market. He has a collaborative and goal-oriented style and is a noteworthy asset to the industry.
Emanuele has got the know how to design and optimize image processing and photogrammetric workflows. You need an enthusiastic & creative professional like him to make sure tha tkey geospatial projects get done right.
Simply the top: Emanuele is a mentor, a trainer with large experiences worldwide, a game changer and a beautiful person. We are creating the best training system in geospatial application in Italy throug Pix4D software. Keep on rockin’!
I worked with Emanuele during his time at Ingenieure Bart AG. He was our photogrammetry expert and did always a great job. Emanuele has a lot of experience and is a brilliant teacher. He knows how to describe complex tasks in a clear way, that even i could understand it. He helped me to learn the hole UAV technology while we have challenged interesting Projects with success. I wish Emanuele all the best!
Foi um grande prazer poder trabalhar com o Emanuele, uma pessoa com um conhecimento técnico incrível e uma qualidade excepcional de ensinar as pessoas. Me proporcionou um grande aprendizado das ferramentas Erdas, principalmente o LPS. Foi uma enorme satisfação ter acompanhando seus treinamentos.
Grande Emanuele, um dos melhores profissionais da fotogrametria com drones do mundo. Com uma didática fantasística, transforma os problemas gigantes encontrados na fotogrametria em minúsculos.
I had the great opportunity to work with Emanuele over 5 years or even more. He was our guru in digital photogrammetry and trained many of our customers with his deep knowledge in photogrammetry and business processes .He always delivered professional solutions to our customers around the world. During our time at Leica GIS & Mapping GmbH, I learned a lot from him and worked closely with him in some projects. Great colleague
I had the pleasure to work with Emanuele during my years in ERDAS. He supported our distributors and customers efficiently and professionally. He had excellent skills on photogrammetry and image processing (plus various other ancillary skills, of course). I have now retired but I would always recommend him for similar or more senior positions.
I remember my time working with Emanuele at LH Systems in the early to late 2000’s. Emanuele was (and of course still is) a very easy guy to work with. We had some very good times, professionally and socially, especially at the SOCET SET User Group Meetings around the world. I could always rely on Emanuele to provide me with any software support or information that I needed, both for myself and my customers here in the Australasian Region. I trust that Emanuele will enjoy any future directions that he looks to embark on
It is a great pleasure that I write this recommendation for Emanuele Traversari. I was Emanuele’s supervisor during his working time at Leica Geosystems in Heerbrugg Switzerland for a period of 10 years. Emanuele is a joy to work with. He is an outstanding engineer and was always very courteous and helpful to our international customers. He has a strong professional background in the photogrammetry, remote sensing and UAV systems. He demonstrated his excellent qualifications during many customer visits and has skills and qualities that every company looks for in an employee.
Trustworthy and prepared person, really able to assist you. Strongly recommended!
I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Emanuele during the pioneering time of LH-Systems, the Leica and Helava joint venture that introduced the new airborne sensors ADS and ALS to the world and even later at Leica Geosystems taking the new photogrammetric software LPS and ORIMA to the market. His good knowledge of the photogrammetry technology and tools as well as his multicultural approach for training and multi-languages skills left a positive mark to all the customers who had technical services from him. And he did of all that with fun!
I know Emanuele from a long time, and also tried to hire him in the past. Emanuele in an authority in the industry. He is well known and respected by all the companies I know, and I never heard a bad feedback. His ability of approaching with creativity and “out of the box” thinking to any type of problem and with any type of complexity is where he is best at. His human attitude make always a pleasure to deal with. He is able to transmit the proper mental attitude to approach to the problems. I hope to have to opportunity to work more closely with him in the future. His international multi-cultural experience is a value for every company.
Emanuele Traversari é um dos profissionais de aerofotogrametria mais competentes que conheci. Excelente instrutor em cursos Pix4d e, além de grande amigo, é um grande Brasileiro de coração. Foi um prazer muito grande tê-lo conhecido e poder aprender com ele. Possui tamanha disponibilidade para ensinar e grandiosidade na solução de problemas em aerofotogrametria o que o torna incomparável. Um grande amigo para esta jornada.
Excelente profissional que merece respeito pelo conhecimento na área de fotogrametria e RPA.
I worked with Emanuele during my Leica Geosystems time here in Switzerland, working on projects around the world. I have experienced Emanuele as a customer oriented photogrammetry expert. Always eager to learn new things and provide the best services to his customers. I’m convinced that Emanuele is a real added value for many companies not only in photo-grammetry and remote sensing. Emanuele is picking up new ideas and is inspiring others. Privately I’m still in close contact with Emanuele and appreciate his very friendly attitude and open way of communication.
I had the great pleasure to work with Emmanuel during his time at Leica Geosystems and later ERDAS. Besides his outstanding technical ability in the area of Geospatial software, especially in Photogrammetry, Emmanuel brought ideas, energy and humour to the team. His presentation skills are outstanding, describing sometimes complex technical processes in a clear and understandable way. Customers would request Emmanuel specifically based on previous engagements. Emmanuel was valued, intelligent and integral to the Europe, Middle East and Africa team.
Ho ospitato Emanuele nel Laboratorio di Telerilevamento del ITG S. Pertini di Pordenone, nella tappa friulana del “Pix4D Training Routers”. Anche se impegnato nella mia attività didattica ho trovato il modo di assistere ad alcune ore di training di Emanuele. Emanuele mi ha colpito per il suo entusiasmo, per la sua capacità di ascoltare i suoi corsisti e per l’efficacia nel soddisfare i singoli bisogni di apprendimento.
Emanuele a été et est toujours un homme de confiance dans le domaine GeoSpacial. Sylvain
Excelente profissional!! Domina como poucos as técnicas defotogrametria.
Emanuele tem grande conhecimento sobre geotecnologias,durante o treinamento que fiz com ele pude aprenderdetalhadamente as funcionalidades do software. Também pudeter uma visão global sobre o mercado de Geo.
Sapere, tecnica, conoscenza, curiosità. Ingredienti che tipermettono di godere il mondo a tutto tondo. Questo e tanto altroè Emanuele Traversari.
Seguo da tanto tempo Emanuele su LinkedIn e l’anno scorso ho avuto il grande piacere di conoscerlo di persona durante un convegno da lui tenuto. Quest’ultimo aveva come tema il mondo UAV e le sue applicazioni nel presente e nel futuro. In particolare si è parlato di Industria 4.0, che vede i droni tra gli attori principali di questa moderna filiera. Devo ringraziare Emanuele per aver fornito diversi spunti sulle applicazioni possibili con questa tecnologia come il Deep Learning, fino a quel momento a me sconosciuto e che ora è oggetto di un mio personale studio. Inoltre sono stato colpito dal suo modo di esprimere concetti non affatto banali in maniera semplice e chiara, ed è da elogiare la sua capacità di essere poliglotta!!!
“Um especialista na área de Sensoriamento Remoto em Drones”
Emanuele is an experienced professional regarding photogrammetry, drone imagery and digital image processing. He helped me to achieve my goals to improve my results and have a clinical view of quality reports of image processing software, specially pix4D. It takes time to master that software and he did it.
I met Emanuele during my time at Leica Geosystems, Unterenfelden, Switzerland. The GIS team I was working for often needed services from the photogrammetry department where Emanuele worked. This team was great and offered the right services to the Leica photogrammetry world, so customer satisfaction was a common goal for them. And Emanuele was part of that success.