Before flying free over the fascinating land of Mars…. the #DRONE Helicopter #Ingenuity” should operate as expected along with the “ROVER #Perseverance”.
Therefore is taking place a technology demonstration and the earliest results were Immediately communicated down to “papi”…. The first downlink to the earth confirmed the good state of charge of INGENUITYs’ batteries as well as the good support from the base station while the “terrestrial operator” turning on/off the charging within an expected range.
Next planned step is to check the drone batteries expecting to be charged solely by its own solar panel.
The 2-kg drone is equipped with six off-the-shelf lithium-ion batteries. Presently it still physically connected to the ROVER. Nevertheless, following the initial tests INGENUITY will fly experimental for 30-Martian-day (guess how many Earth-Day?).
Each flight will provide results that are going to tune the following flights.
If INGENUITY survives (even temperatures down to minus 90 celsius) the team will proceed with the first flight of an aircraft on another world.
And then INGENUITY will deploy to the Red-Planet what is our daily challenge with our drones on earth: the Aerial View Dimension as well as Reconnaissance Images of terrains that are difficult to access. All that using a technology specially implemented for Mars which will soon be brought back to our drone, the one we use daily on earth.
Mars for Drones what is F1 for commercial cars.
I like it.
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