by Emanuele Traversari | Jun 10, 2022 | Disruption Technology, Drone, DroneShow, Future Trends, Knowledge, METAVERSE, Mundo Brasileiro, MundoGEO, Pix4d, training
✨ undoubtedly a reference event for all of Latin America ✨ Honored to have been invited once again to share our challenges in the geospatial fields for our modern dynamic world. 🙏 Thank you MundoGEO and all team! 🇧🇷
by Emanuele Traversari | Apr 4, 2022 | Artificial Intelligence, Disruption Technology, Future Trends, Knowledge, METAVERSE
Our modern world is truly changing at incredible speed and data obsolescence is a key issue. The actual surveying methods are accurate but take time which is sometimes not tuned to the speed of changes and new data may not reflect the new situation. Nowadays, GPS,...
by Emanuele Traversari | Mar 25, 2022 | Disruption Technology, Drone, Future Trends, METAVERSE
Web3 is a decentralized application platform that allows for users to interact directly with each other without the need for a third party. A decentralized online ecosystem based on blockchain and crypto currency. Thanks to the blockchain technology Web3 can provide...
by Emanuele Traversari | Nov 10, 2021 | Disruption Technology, DroneShow, Future Trends, Knowledge, METAVERSE, Mundo Brasileiro, MundoGEO, Pix4d, United Nations 2030 Agenda
A mudança da empresa Facebook no nome META abriu os olhos de todos para as novas tecnologias que irão transformar a nossa forma de viver a internet. Esteja preparado …. Será em 3D, virtual, com toda a inteligência artificial disponível e a possibilidade de criar...
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